accomplishment in seeing all the days with"gym" or "hike" or whatever form of physical activity written in the square. So, without further adieu, here are the stats as of July 1, 2009.
As of July 1, 2009:
Weight: 215 lbs (the scale was between 214 & 215 so I chose the higher #)
chest @ nipples: 44" (down 1" from last month; 4" overall)
under breasts: 41" (down 1" from last month; 3" overall)
bicep: 13"/13" (essentially no change, but I'm OK with that)
@ belly button: 40" (down 1" from last month; 5" overall)
hips: 39" (no change, I can feel my hip bones poking out, so I doubt this is going to decrease much more; 3" overall)
butt @ widest point: 41.5" (down 1" from last month; 5" overall)
thighs: 23.5" (down 0.5" from last month; 2" overall )
calf: 17"
I lost 5 lbs! I kick ass. Seriously. I do. I mean it. That is some fucking dedication and determination. It probably could have been more but I went out drinking a little more than I probably should have last month. That of course is neither good for the waistline or the pocketbook. However, I burned off 5 lbs. I burned off 5 lbs.
Whats really F*ing cool is that I am starting to see muscle definition in areas I just saw flab. My thighs are firmer and there is more definition. I can see the outline of my pecs (mostly the top half, there is still moobyness going n there). I can see my F*ing rib cage, its starting to show through. Now that is rad. I am just so happy with myself; that I am following through, eating healthily, and working out (25 out of 30 days in June) and seeing this through.
I look forward to meeting my August 15th goal. And then winning the battle against those last 10 lbs.
P.S. Thanks to GUAPO Magazine for the images.