I failed to meet my goal to be 190 lbs by Halloween. Bummer. But I’m not super upset because I made it to 195 lbs! That’s right, I broke the 200 mark. Fuck yeah! I remember being 180 lbs at the start of my freshman year of high school and know that somewhere over the course of that year I ballooned to well over 200. So it has been a long time since I weighed this little. Just being less than 200 lbs is amazing for me psychologically. There is this crazy sense of accomplishment; for a long time I didn’t think I would ever make it this low again. I was in the 200 range for so long it is weird (and a little awesome) to punch in my weight on the machines at the gym and not have to scroll forever to get there. It really is the little things.
So, back to my failure (I don’t feel like a failure though), I totally dropped the ball when it came to working out regularly. I worked a decent amount so there was physical activity going on, and by the end of a long day there is pretty much no chance of me feeling like going to the gym. Out of the question. But when I wasn’t working I was kind of lazy, at one point even apathetic. There was a period where I went longer than an entire week without setting foot in the gym or officially exercising in any way. The good thing was I was able to get myself out of that funk and get my ass back in gear. I finally made myself go to the gym and get on a gosh-darn treadmill and get back to work. And then like I always do, I congratulated myself on a job well done. This is something that I view as über important. I really think we need to take the time to compliment ourselves more. We need to point out the positive, not dwell on the negative, and pat ourselves on the back a little more.

New goal: Stay on track and manage to not undo my progress during the holiday season.
Here are the updated stats as of November 6, 2009:
Weight: 195 lbs
*and according to my scale my body fat is @ 19%
chest @ nipples: 42" (down 1" from last update; 6" overall)
under breasts: 39" (down 0.5" from last month; 5" overall)
bicep: 12"/12" (down 1" and now it will be time to start bulking them back up with muscle, not fat)
@ belly button: 38" (down 0.5" from last update; 7" overall)
hips: 37.5" (down 0.5" since last time; 4.5" overall)
butt @ widest point: 40" (down 1.5" from last time; 6.5" overall)
thighs: 23" (no change; 2.5" overall )
calf: 16.5" (a change!)
P.S. How freaking hot is this man? Wow! He has a cute smile, phenomenal body, and I don't even need to mention the package do I? His name is Adam (apparently) and the photos are by Rick Day.