Anyway, things are going OK for me. I haven't taken measurements recently or jumped on the scale in the last two weeks but people keep commenting. And I like that!
Last month I had the opportunity of working with someone I worked with back in 2005 (my !st job out of school, the one I was laid off from) and we hadn't seen each other since. I saw her at call in the morning and then at the end of the day I was turning in my start paperwork and we were catching up and she just blurts out of nowhere; "Holy Shit! What have you been doing? You look Great. You look so healthy. What the fuck?"
I just laughed for a sec and smiled. I told her the deal, how I've been working at it for a while. That the job change helped and of course finally committing. It felt so fucking good. I was beaming on the inside.
Last week I went to a movie with my best friend and her brother, we hadn't seen each other in a couple weeks, and the first words he said were; "Every time I see you there is a little less to see."
Then she adds, "You look skinny." I brushed it off, but it felt good to hear from them. I mean, skinny? I'm 6'0" and 220. I wouldn't exactly say skinny, but i know what she was getting at.
And the same thing keeps happening every time I run into people I haven't seen for a bit. It is definitely motivation to keep going. Keep eating right (the vegetarian thing is totally working out and not nearly as difficult as people think. Plus, its better for the planet) and I am working out @ least 5 times per week, and mixing it up.
I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. I can see the finish line, and that it is actually within reach.
So now I have a new goal. This time I am putting a date on it so that I have a way to monitor my progress and target to shoot for. I would like to be down to 205 lbs. by August 15, 09. That is 4 months to lose 15 lbs; very reasonable.
Yep. It's on now. And I am going to make it happen.
now I just get some updated stats to go off of.
P.S. Thanks to JUST JARED & JEWSSIP for the images.
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